I feel terrible because I missed yesterday's session on PLE and PLN. I would like to begin with how I would define PLE. To me PLE is collection of any kind of platform that an individual uses to collect, control, create, share and collaborate resources. A PLE is also an environment where multiple experts, amateurs, resources and tools are brought together. The key point in a PLE is its participative and creative side. Within a PLE the individual does not only comsume information but also participates the conversation and creates information. Other people join in this personal learning environment, review personally created information, engage in a conversation which might lead to reconsideration or further expansion of the information in this PLE.
At this point I have three issues that I want to open to discussion:
1: I am aware that certain processes might require the use of certain tools or environments. However, considering that alternative tools or environments are available, Is it important or relevant that the individual chooses himself what learning environments he wants to make use of or take part in?
2: Considering people get their certificates or diplomas from institutionalized education systems, how do we manage assessment and evaluation when we follow a PLE perspective of learning and teaching?
I think I might have a suggestion for my second question but I am not sure that would be a good answer. We could assign a problem/task based case study and observe the process and evaluate the final product that is put forward. However, I believe we need to provide well-defined rubric telling the learner clearly what will be assessed and how. The final question is:
3- What are the characterictics of an effective PLE? Thanks for your ideas in advance.